books begun and finished in Lake Tahoe

books begun and finished in Lake Tahoe


So I’m in the mountains again, first time in a long while — but I used to come up here quite a bit. There’s something about the hypoxia of altitude that’s soothes the soul and makes it easier to write, which is good because I just wrote the first sentence of book 19.

I both love and hate measuring out time in book-lengths — I like that I’ve come this far, that I haven’t ever given up (or if I have, not for long!) but I also feel old having so many books under my belt.

I can still remember sitting on the patio at a friend’s family’s vacation place, typing away furiously in the middle of the summer while friends hung out inside watching a game. I had to sit here for a second and think very hard, and count using both hands — that was my seventh book about an accountant saving a nanite infected Earth with the help of a very enthusiastic wrestling fan club. (It worked in the book, I swear it.)  I loved that book — I loved all of them, frankly, except for book 8. That one, oh man, I pretty much said, ‘You know what? The end. All of you. The end!” and banished everyone off the page.  I may or may not have quit writing there for a bit, until the idea for book 9 came along…and yeah. I’ve never not wrestled with a book, but it’s always been worth it in the end.

I finished Nightshifted in Tahoe. It was with a different group of friends, different house, and I sat out on a deck as the sun went down, losing feeling in my fingers, racing the sinking light, oblivious to what I’m sure was the beauty of sunset over the lake, and the warm friendship waiting for me inside the house.

And that’s sort of it, isn’t it. Because writing is something you do alone, and no one else, no matter how well meaning (or self-evident they think they are) can do it for you. You either enjoy it or you don’t and press on anyways, and it pays rewards  only you can feel that are completely intangible to anyone else.

The last time I was in Tahoe was one of the best weekends of my life — the weather was gorgeous, the company divine, but if I’m honest…it’s mostly because I turned my back on all of that to hang out, again, in my own mind.

Covers options for The House & Charlaine Harris!

Covers options for The House & Charlaine Harris!

Two big things! My awesome friend Barry Deutsch did mock-up covers for The House, my Erotic Choose Your Own Adventure Novel — and they’re all too gorgeous! Help me choose which one to use!!! :D

cassie-cover-optionsAnd secondly…Charlaine Harris liked Nightshifted! She said it was “was an unexpectedly appealing book. It sounded interesting, and I bought it on a whim. Paid off in spades!”

I’m swooning over here. Because stuff like that DOES NOT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE. Where people whose stuff you admire — whose stuff made you write your stuff — say nice things about your books?! No-effing-way!


I’m at Blue Heaven, and I finished up The Haunted (my next erotic title) yesterday. 58,000 words in 28 days, my friends. I was a writing MACHINE. Now I’m back to editing my new book, for a little break, before I go back into The Haunted at the end of this week.

Getting so much work done, surrounded by such cool people, and the weather’s lovely — this week’s been amazing!

Nightshifted out in France!

Nightshifted out in France!

Or should I say….

French cover from J'ai Lu

French cover from J’ai Lu

Night Bite! Emergency!

Isn’t that awesome!!!!

I’m still internet-less mostly, so I’ll keep it short, but HOLY COW MY BOOK IS ON SALE IN FRANCE THAT IS FLIPPING COOL.

Dear readers in France — I hope you enjoy it! Thank you!!!!


Nightshifted’s Czech cover!

Nightshifted’s Czech cover!

Nightshifted’s Czech cover!!!!!

Y’all know that gif of flailing Kermit? Insert that here!

This is the Czech version of Nightshifted’s cover. She’s like sexy European Edie, it’s rad :D. I love how her badge is in the picture and glowing, too — and its nice to see that blood bags are international!