Now that I have time to look up at think about things other than Bloodshifted — there’s some giveaways going on that I should tell you about!

First off, over on All Things Urban Fantasy, I did an article on County Hospital for their Deadly Destinations month! I’ve read all the other entries for this month so far, and I really love the series, I just bought several of the ones they’ve featured because the voices are so cool.

Secondly, That’s What I’m Talking About is having an Urban Fantasy Summer Celebration where Lori from Romancing the Dark Side is gonna talk about my books in a few days — but there’s giveaways for other cool people’s books going on over there already, like Ilona Andrews and Darynda Jones, so get over there pronto ;).

I just got up and am dreading working five in a row starting tonight. I’d better go out and get some cookies ;P ;).