Shapeshifted is out in Germany tomorrow!

Where it’s called Nightshifted: Diagnosis at Dusk — which I freaking love ;).

I can’t believe this snuck up on me! It seemed like it was so far away for so long, and then, boom! I also can’t believe that’ll be three books out in one year over there!

One of my BFF’s has German coworkers, and they’re in town right now, and they came to my release party for Moonshifted at the end of last month. They’d written a review on of Nightshifted back in the day, and they were amazed that I’d translated it to read it. (Not that I remembered it! But I know I translated/read it, because I read them all!) I think they under estimated the obsessive crazy-level of a new author, especially with her first book ;).

I’m slightly less crazy now (she says, without asking anyone else’s opinion :P) — but I’m still super curious about how Shapeshifted will translate over there. I hope I’ll get to find out tomorrow! :D


Deadshifted is done!

I know you guys have just been reading Moonshifted, and Shapeshifted’s not even out yet, but being an author means pulling a reverse Merlin, and always living two books ahead of time in your current series.

And now, Deadshifted’s first draft is all the way done. This draft is also it’s seventh rev, so there’s been some work going on there — but the story is all on the page at long last, and it mostly went where I wanted it, so I think edits will be pretty easy. It just needs a lot of polishy love, something I will be glad to give it, and I’ve got till the end of the year to get it done right. :D

Sorry for anyone that I still owe emails or responses to — I’ve been keeping my head down the past few days trying super hard to get this wrapped up. And now I have to take a nap so I can be well rested for work tonight, heh.

I can’t believe I’m done. I can’t wait to show you all it!


Shapeshifted page proofs done! and other good things :D

I got page proofs for Shapeshifted about a week ago, and honestly, I set them aside. I couldn’t bear doing them and then being finished with Edie’s story so far.

But then I turned in another chunk of Deadshifted in to Daniel, and whoa nelly did it need help. He emailed me and made me give up the end of the story (when I’d been trying to keep it to myself to surprise him), but we both knew I’d gone off the rails. So I wrote a 2k summary of where I wanted the book to go, and then we had a long phone call about what it was going to take to get it there. The 2k summary should have, perhaps, been my first clue, since that was about 50k of book-activities left, and I am over 50k into the book, and I like my books to run around 90k…so not surprisingly I get to do a lot of seam ripping of the last ten k. But, I think I know where things need to go now, which is good — and hopping back — it made doing pageproofs nice. The six month book cycle is awesome, because by the time I get into the “why do I call myself a writer? terrible lies!” funk, I get proof that I am really a writer delivered to me, with all my comma errors gone ;).

I’ve also been punting around some new ideas inside my head. Nothing solid so far, but that’s sort of the nice thing about new ideas, playing around with them.

Been nurse-working a lot it feels like. A lot of my coworkers are out on vacation right now, so I’m trying to help out and pick up extra shifts while the getting’s good — especially because I’m gonna buy prizes for Moonshifted promo soon. I can’t believe that’s swinging into gear here! Holy cow! I’ve requested a week of work off right after it’s release so that I can juggle everything and not be all stressed out, since Nightshifted’s release steamrollered me, and I didn’t have any free time at all due to other obligations in May.

Also been doing a ton of shoulder exercises :P. I went and saw my PT who was all, “Yeah, you’ve messed this up.” The exercises he gave me are helping though and I’m being very responsible with it at work. It already feels a little better, so I’m hoping I can just magically keep things up and it’ll stay in its socket where it’s supposed to be :P.

Anyhow, things are good, just very busy, par for the course. I work six out of the next seven nights, but then I get a four day break to get caught up on things again :D.