Went and saw Robert DeLong at the Rickshaw Stop in SF on Thurs!

If you ever wondered what Cassie’s perfect writing music sounds like — this is it.

What an extremely awesome show. Our local ‘alternative’ radio station played Global Concepts late at night once and I heard it and did the “I have got to know who sings this, now!” thing, and read some of the lyrics I remembered from the song into the voice recorder app on my phone immediately afterwards so I could hunt it down. Then when I bought the rest of his stuff I geeked out, and realized he had an upcoming show, and bought tickets to it — which I’m glad I did at the time, since it wound up selling out.

I talked my friend Kevin into going with me, since it was far away on a work night ;), and we had a really good time — there was face painting going on, and we got our faces painted, and the woman doing it asked me who I was there to see (since there were three bands playing) and it turns out she’s Robert’s girlfriend, ha!

At the time I tried to say something suave like, “His music is awesome!” but what I should have said is, “This is what I’ve been writing my most recent book too and I am a huge nerd, tell him thank you!” I did buy her a drink though ;).

What I didn’t realize until we were there watching him live is that he mixes everything on stage, and uses all these controllers from video games — it’s a really dynamic show. And the Rickshaw was super intimate, I think there were only like 200 people there, so you got to see pretty much everything. I’d never gone to listen to any sort of electronica live, even though it’s what I listen to almost entirely on pandora nowadays — I always kind of talk myself out of those shows due to not knowing who I’m going to get to go with me.

I am so glad my love of his music overcame that — buy his album, and if you get the chance to see him live, jump on it!