So I got a prompt from Jenn over at Tynga. 

I think my graph of what I do when I’m not writing may amuse you. (Although if you follow me on twitter, you already knew all this ;)). There’s an international giveaway of Nightshifted in the comment section. :D

This was actually a hard article to write, and I hemmed and hawed on doing it, since really, what I do when I’m not writing is obsess about writing. (I have some sympathy now for celebrities who say that they’re “boring” in real life. Because with the exception of the times at work that I get to do Life Savey Stuff, yeah. I’m boring. I have no back up plan, no other actual hobbies. I don’t cook, my cat fends for herself, and I lived without a TV for two years. I mostly read non-fiction. Dullsville. :P)