Home now. Took the rest of the day off to hang out with my husband and my cat, and to do more reading for Blue Heaven. Annnnd…to hide from working on Moonshifted.

I know from having felt like this before that things will be fine as soon as I begin. (Which is one way upshot of writing a lot, you can start to see the cycles and the unknown becomes less so.) But after talking with my alpha reader and 7ish hrs to myself thinking today in the car, I know I’ve got a lot to do, and not much time to do it.

If Moonshifted were an alphabet, A-Z, letters A-H are pretty solid. And letters R-Z. But H-R I need to completely redo. Not that all the text will be lost, or the scene order, but I lost track of an arc that needs to be way more prominent (not to also mention, real and better :P). Sooo, yeah. Tomorrow I start with the seam-rippers, Tues go to chat with my alpha reader in person, and after that I basically keep working every spare moment I have from now till I get to turn this book in. Technically it’s not due till June 30th, but I’d love to be able to turn it in early, seeing as I have all of book 3 to get done this year, too ;).

More positively, the more I think about things, the more of book 3 falls into place. And everything will be all right with what I’m doing now, I just need to trust myself and be patient, and keep working on it.