I finished it! There was only another 1400 words to put in, so I got them done at work this past weekend. It’s all on the page now — it’ll take me a bit to massage it into continual awesomeness, but all the pieces are there :D.

Last night at work was crazy. (Actually both nights at work were no break nights, but one patient involved more sitting still hawkeye-ing than another, which is when the typing got to happen.) And i’m coming down with a cold, but it’s sort of perfect timing. I’m taking tonight off, and then we’ll drop back into things tomorrow, assuming this cold stays mellow.

I keep texting and emailing myself notes to make things better — my gmail’s full of about 20 of them right now, all labeled bright red. And I should go through my deletions file, just in case there’s anything in there i want to snag. Collating all the ancillary stuff sounds like a pretty good sick day chore to me :D.